4.1. Plagiarism Check
The SQAE's publication ethics require that every manuscript that has passed the Blind Refereeing Process must be checked for plagiarism to protect its integrity. In this regard, the Turkish and English copies of each manuscript are subjected to a plagiarism check approved by the Editorial Board. The financial responsibilities arising from the plagiarism check belong to the author(s).
Plagiarism checking is performed through Turnitin (https://www.turnitin.com/tr/) and intihal.net (https://intihal.net/) software. The matches revealed by the software for each study are thoroughly analyzed and matches with correct references and citations are extracted. After this extraction, the remaining matches are examined, and errors are detected and reported to the Editorial Board. The Editorial Board makes the final decision about the manuscript in light of the plagiarism check report of each manuscript. The author(s) may be requested to correct errors noted in the report or the manuscript may be returned to the author(s).
4.2. Bibliography, Citation and Attribution Review
Scientific research is developed on the basis of previous studies. In any new study carried out, previous studies are referred to and cited within the framework of specific rules. Intentional or unintentional errors in scientific studies damage the reliability of the study and publication.
The SQAE considers it an obligation within the scope of publication ethics to provide accurate and complete references and citations of the studies accepted as a result of the evaluation. In this regard, each manuscript is checked for bibliography, references and citations after it has been accepted. The financial responsibility for this reviewed belongs to the author(s).
Accepted manuscripts are reviewed using the following steps for Turkish and English full texts:
The procedures and principles for citing references in Turkish for Turkish full texts and in English for English full texts are taken into consideration.
4.3. Layout and Typesetting
The SQAE requires a uniform, standard and complete page layout and printing format for the formal integrity and readability of the manuscripts. In this regard, the page layout and typesetting of the manuscripts whose plagiarism and bibliography checks have been completed are carried out by a company approved by the Editorial Board. The financial responsibility for the page layout and the preparation of the print copy belongs to the author(s).
4.4. Assigning the DOI Number
The Digital Object Identifier (DOI) [https://www.doi.org/] is a unique access number that allows the identification and access of any manuscript published electronically. It is mandatory to provide a DOI number for each manuscript published in the SQAE or at early view.
After acceptance, the DOI number is assigned by the Editorial Board to the manuscripts that have been checked for plagiarism, have had their bibliography checked, and for which the printed version has been prepared.